About Us

SamHuntVic is a family business based in Dromana, Victoria, Australia.

Our first product, back in 2007 was a hunting jacket primarily aimed at the local sambar deer hunters. Hence the company name Sam (sambar) Hunt (hunting) Vic (Victoria) SHV™ is a trademark of SamHuntVic

It is a vibrant orange colour for safety, with a black disruptive pattern for bush camouflage.

The design and fabric carries the registered trademark Samcam®

Since then we have listed an ever expanding range of products for the hunting and camping community. EXCEPT FOR WOODLEIGH AND BERTRAM BRASS, ALL OF OUR PRODUCTS ARE FREIGHT FREE.

Please take a look around our site.

When you create an account, that means go through the hoops to actually order something, we promise to never share your information with anyone except the postman. Also, we will never send you follow up Selling Spam emails.

If we have to contact you it will be a personal email, not through this website.

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